things i’ve made
a lot of my projects are private right now, but i’m working on making them public.
total stars: 267-
A blazing fast text drawing library
rust, python -
Lingo is a CLI tool for counting lines of code in a workspace.
go, makefile -
A dynamically typed interpreted scripting language.
rust, codeql -
A multipurpose discord bot with a lot of features.
python, dockerfile, procfile - chirp 8
A chip8 emulator written in rust
rust, makefile -
A path tracer written in Rust.
rust -
A WebSocket chat app that allows users to create temporary profiles and group chats that are deleted when left.
python, javascript, html, dockerfile -
An implementation of raycasting to display a pseudo-3D playground
this page is still under construction so for now, these are just the most popular projects i've worked on, pulled straight from my github.